Our primary objective is to nurture community and the extraordinary Loreto Kirribilli spirit.
The Parents and Friends Committee, more colloquially known as the 'P&F', is Loreto Kirribilli's parent organising body, with the primary objective of nurturing our community and the extraordinary Loreto Kirribilli spirit!
While the main focus of the P&F is to make social contact with other parents, there is also a highly successful fundraising aspect to our activities, with a big emphasis on having FUN! Events include those specifically designed for the parents of our community, sausage sizzles catering for the children, the well-renowned annual Spring Fair, the Winter Dinner, Luncheons, plus a number of Liturgical events such as the Father Daughter and Mother Daughter Masses.
In addition to all of the main events organised by various P&F sub-committees throughout the year, each year group also enjoys social activities on a smaller scale. Class Parents help to arrange informal cocktail parties in someone’s home, class dinners, morning teas, class picnics, class walks, etc….
Loreto Kirribilli is a very welcoming school, and the P&F endeavours to help parents feel comfortable, and to give them the opportunity to make friends, and to feel a sense of belonging. We believe it is important to share the ‘Loreto Kirribilli Spirit’ around, as we know how infectious it can be!
The P&F and Class Parents meet once a term. The Principal, Dr Nicole Archard and our Head of Junior School, Mrs Sharon Portlock, provide up-to-date reports on the school. This is a wonderful opportunity to understand the vibrant, industrious, rhythm of school life at Loreto Kirribilli. These meeting dates are in the school calendar, on CH@LK, and highlighted in the school newsletters.
In Terms 1 and 3 there are two additional Class Parent meetings that follow directly on from the P&F meeting. Sometimes, guest speakers are invited along.
The P&F Executive is made up of a male and female president, a male and female vice-president, a treasurer, an assistant treasurer, a secretary and an assistant secretary. All are appointed by the Principal.
Class Parents volunteer in late Term 3 each year. It is a lot of work, but rewarding for individuals and especially for the school – and a lot of fun along the way!
For more information about past and future events, please see our Calendar and Events.
The P&F supports the school and, by building on that sense of community, we enhance our daughters’ educational journey at Loreto Kirribilli. We welcome you to join us – your assistance is graciously appreciated.
Please do get in touch: parents@loreto.nsw.edu.au