A wonderful celebration of school life at Loreto Kirribilli.
Spirit is published tri-annually and provides readers with a snapshot of happenings across the school, as well as updates on ex-student news, reunions and achievements.
Spirit magazine, together with the Junior and Senior School weekly newsletters, ourInstagram,Facebook andLinkedIn feeds and the Year Book, are indeed a wonderful chronicle of the life of the school.
As part of our commitment to environmentally sustainable practices, we are moving to a fully online version of Spirit.
Please remember also that our social media platforms are a great way to keep in touch!
If you are connected to Loreto Kirribilli and would like to receive the Spirit magazine, are an ex-student wishing to advise the Spirit team about an event in your life, or you have other suitable articles for inclusion in upcoming editions, please email the Editor.
Loreto Kirribilli is committed to continuing to work with staff, students and the broader school community to support the sustainability of our School and also the sustainability of our environment.
Excerpt from Loreto Kirribilli 2020-2023 Strategic Plan