
Service, Courage, Respect, Integrity and Excellence


Australian Army Cadets is a leadership program for teenagers in Year 8 and above. It provides young Australians with the opportunity to learn, develop and practice many interesting, fun and valuable life skills.

206 ACU is the regional unit closest to Loreto Kirribilli. The unit holds parade every Tuesday night of the school term from 5.30-8.40pm and holds one bivouac (weekend camp) at the end of each term.

As a cadet there are plenty of activities you can participate in, such as an annual camp (one week), leadership, abseiling, watercraft courses, military marches (such as on ANZAC Day), and much more. These activities teach valuable skills such as first aid, navigation and organisational skills as well as providing active leadership experience.

206 Army Cadet Unit
Australian Army Cadets