Senior School

Music Festival

Our Festival is a felicity-filled occasion, encouraging a joyful spirit of participation.


“Grant me O Lord the freedom to refer all to you, for only in your gift realised and returned are we made fully free”.

Mary Ward

All Loreto Schools have a Performing Arts Festival of some kind, and at Loreto Kirribilli, we celebrate the annual Music Festival. The Festival is a time of joyous self-expression and a time when students experience the deep satisfaction of growing through the process of rehearsal and performance. We hope that after the Festival, students who have been involved will be able to resonate more deeply with the prayer of Mary Ward quoted above.

In a spirit of celebration, the Loreto Kirribilli Music Festival aims to give every student an opportunity to perform and to share her gifts with others through the disciplines of Dance, Voice or Instrumental proficiency. Throughout Terms 1 and 2, the Music Festival Director and the Performing Arts Faculty coordinate the event, but it is primarily the work of the students.

Over the Music Festival adjudication period of three weeks, students enter items to represent their House either individually or as part of a House ensemble. They work closely with each other and support the efforts of all involved. In addition, a final concert is held which highlights a small sample of student musical excellence. The depth and range of talents is best appreciated by attending performances during the adjudications.

Solo and group entries are accepted for Piano, String, Percussion, Guitar, Brass, Woodwind, Voice, Instrumental ensembles and Dance.

The Loreto Kirribilli Music Festival is one of the many times when the community follows the commandment of Jesus “Let your light shine before others”. The students’ lights shine through their commitment, perseverance, resilience, performance and joyous participation.

... an incredible opportunity for our community to gather and celebrate in the felicity and sheer talent of our school. Performing on stage with the wonderful Milson House Choir was an unforgettable experience, and we hope everyone in the audience and the choir enjoyed it as much as we did!

Raquel & Lydia - Milson Music Captains

Music Festival 2024
