1. Purpose
- This policy is intended to provide comprehensive, transparent, and accessible information regarding the management of school fees at Loreto Kirribilli.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all Loreto Kirribilli students and parents / guardians.
3. Definitions.
There are no key definitions.
4. Policy Statement
4.1 Background
- This policy has been written mindful of the school’s mission and values.
- The school may vary this policy from time to time with approval of the School Board and will publish updates on the School website.
4.2 Financial Conditions of Enrolment
- Financial Conditions of Enrolment are signed by both parents as part of the enrolment process of all students.
- These Financial Conditions of Enrolment form the contractual obligation between the school and parents regarding fees, including parents’ acknowledgement that each parent is joint and severally responsible for the school fees.
4.3 Level of Tuition Fees and Charges
- Tuition fees are approved by the School Board on an annual basis, usually each November for the following school year.
- Tuition fees for the following school year are communicated to parents and updated on the school website before the school year commences.
- Except with the Principal’s approval, no remission of tuition fees will be made if the student is absent due to illness, leave, or temporary or permanent exclusion.
- Family discounts apply to the Tuition Fees of second and subsequent siblings at the school concurrently.
- The level of family discounts are set by the School Board.
- Fees and charges other than Tuition Fees are set by the Business Manager in consultation with the Principal.
4.4 Change in the Relationship between Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
- If a Parent or Guardian requests a change in the payer of the fees (in full or in part), written approval of this change as well as acknowledgement of this fees policy must be received from the other Parent/Guardian before any change is made to the billing system.
- All information provided relating to the above change will be treated in the strictest confidence.
- Even when there have been agreed changes to the billing arrangement, the school reserves the right to contact the other Parent/Guardian about the fee account.
4.5 Withdrawal of Students
- At least one full term’s written notice must be given to the Principal, if a student is to be withdrawn from the school.
- The notice of withdrawal must be given by no later than the first day of the term at the end of which it is intended that the student should leave.
- If sufficient notice is not given, one full term’s fees will be payable.
4.6 Issuing Fee Accounts
- Annual Tuition Fees are billed in three equal instalments on three Fee Accounts issued as below:
- First Fee Account – in the first week of February
- Second Fee Account – in the first week of May
- Third Fee Account – in the first week of September
- Other fees and charges are included on each of the three Fee Accounts when appropriate and are payable under the same conditions as the tuition fees.
- A voluntary tax-deductible Building Fund donation is shown on each Fee Account issued.
- Ad-hoc Fee Accounts may be issued outside the normal billing cycle when deemed necessary by the Business Manager, for example to bill the fees relating to significant trips.
- The issuing of the Fee Accounts is advertised in the Senior and Junior School newsletters.
4.7 Payment of Fees
- Fee Accounts are due and payable 14 days after the date of issue.
- There are no discounts for either advance payment of fees or payment of fees within the prescribed period.
- The school reserves the right to charge interest on overdue Fee Accounts at rates determined by the Principal.
- A credit card surcharge is charged on all payments made by credit card, both using the BPay system as well as if made directly to the school by mail, phone or in person.
4.8 Arrangements for variations in Fee Payments
- In cases of hardship, parent(s)/guardian(s) of students may approach the Principal, Business Manager or Assistant Business Manager if the Fee Account cannot be paid in full by the due date.
- These requests will be treated confidentially and on a case by case basis according to the procedure outlined below.
a. The initial request by the parent(s)/guardian(s) can be made in writing or by telephone to the Principal, Business Manager or Assistant Business Manager.
b. Regular instalment plans, where fees will be paid monthly during the academic year, may be approved by the Assistant Business Manager (e.g. COVID-19 fee requests), upon the provision of financial information as requested by the School. Updated financial information may be requested if the instalment plans continue for an extended period.
c. Other requests will be considered by the School, which will notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) of their decision on whether or not to allow alternative payment arrangements to be made.
d. It is entirely within the discretion of the Principal or Business Manager as to what arrangements will be made (if any) and those arrangements may include:- hardship instalment payments not extending beyond 6 months past the due date;
- deferral for a period of time for immediate hardship (e.g. death of a parent), not usually greater than 6 months past the due date;
- submission of a bursary application for longer instalment plans, partial or full bursary applications (see Section 9);
e. The Business Office will maintain a written record of any such arrangements.
f. Written confirmation of the instalment arrangement or account deferral will be sent to both parents for their written acknowledgement of the arrangement.
4.9 Bursary Assistance
- The school has a bursary program providing families with the opportunity to apply for full or partial financial assistance with their school fees.
- The bursary program operates under the school’s Bursary Policy with applications being assessed by the Bursary Committee.
5. Roles and Responsibilities
The Principal and appointed delegates are responsible for the effective implementation of this Policy.
6. Related Legislation and Policy Documents
- Loreto Kirribilli Bursary Policy
- Loreto Kirribilli Delegation of Authority Schedule
7. Version History
Version: 2
Date: 24 November 2022