Student Behaviour Management Policy


This policy sets the framework through which Loreto Kirribilli manages student behaviour. Our Student Behaviour Management Policy is based on the principles of procedural fairness and does not permit corporal punishment of students.

Student Management

Every student has the right to a learning environment free from bullying and intimidation and feel safe and happy at school. They also have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity.

Behaviour Management is necessary to ensure the safety and welfare of all our students, teachers and staff and to provide a conducive learning environment.

Strategies to Promote Positive Behaviour

The School seeks to develop a culture of positive behaviour by setting clear expectations to students and encouraging positive behaviour. Strategies for developing this culture include:

  • clearly setting behaviour expectations
  • establishing specific teaching and learning programs
  • communicating expectations with the wider School community
  • acknowledging positive behaviours in a range of ways from informal verbal acknowledgement to structured merit awards
  • maintaining records with respect to student behaviour.

Prohibition of Corporal Punishment

It is our policy that:

  • we prohibit corporal punishment
  • we do not explicitly or implicitly sanction the administering of corporal punishment by non-school persons, including parents, to enforce discipline at the School.

The use of any corporal punishment by a staff member is strictly prohibited. Any staff member who breaches this rule will be subject to disciplinary proceedings which may include dismissal.

Procedural Fairness

Students have a right to procedural fairness in dealings that involve their interests. This includes disciplinary decisions.

The principles of procedural fairness include the right of students to:

  • know what the rules are and what behaviour is expected of them
  • have decisions determined by a reasonable and unbiased person
  • be informed of, and have an opportunity to respond to, any allegations against them
  • be heard before a decision is made
  • have a decision reviewed (but not to delay an immediate punishment).

Loreto Kirribilli is committed to ensuring procedural fairness when disciplining a student.

School Rules and Expected Standards of Behaviour

Students are expected to abide by the School's expectations, and the directions of teachers and staff.

Examples of written rules that students are expected to follow are outlined in:


There are a range of consequences that students will face if they breach School rules or are disobedient. These include:

  • warnings or reprimands (verbal or written)
  • time outs
  • cancellation of privileges
  • withdrawal from School activities
  • lunch time detentions
  • after school detentions
  • suspension
  • expulsion
  • exclusion.

A decision to suspend or expel a student may only be made by the Deputy Principal or the Principal.

Procedures for Suspension, Expulsion and Exclusion

Loreto Kirribilli has developed specific procedures that must be followed when considering the suspension or expulsion of a student.

Individual Behaviour Management Plan

Where the level of misbehaviour breaches the School’s Code of Conduct, individual behaviour management plans may be made.

Plans will be negotiated between School staff, students and parents/guardians, and will consider the student’s:

  • age
  • developmental needs
  • behavioural context.

The desired behaviour of the student will be clearly described. The plan will outline changes required to the learning environment to support the student to modify their behaviour.

The School will refer the student to other support available and review, assess, change and modify the plan as needed.


This policy is implemented through:

  • staff training and professional development opportunities in behaviour management
  • communicating this policy to the School community
  • monitoring the effectiveness of the policy
  • reviewing and evaluating the policy annually.
