This policy sets the framework through which Loreto Kirribilli (the School) generally manages student behaviour. The Student Behaviour Management Policy is based on the principles of procedural fairness and does not permit corporal punishment of students.
Every student has the right to a learning environment free from bullying and intimidation and feel safe and happy at school. They also have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity.
Behaviour Management is necessary to ensure the safety and welfare of all our students, teachers, and staff and to provide a conducive learning environment.
The School seeks to develop a culture of positive behaviour by setting clear expectations for students and encouraging positive behaviour.
Strategies for developing this culture include:
It is our policy that:
Students are required to abide by School rules and expectations of behaviour which include treating others, (students, staff, and members of the School community) with respect and following the directions of teachers, staff, and others with authority delegated by the School. All students are personally responsible for their learning and behaviour.
Each student at the School is expected to behave in a way that:
All students are expected to follow School rules and expected standards of behaviour and understand that consequences will be put in place when students do not follow these rules and expectations.
Rules, expectations and consequences are outline in the following documents which are located on the School’s Learning Management System, Kirri, under ‘Policies and Procedures for Students’.
In order for quality relationships to exist in the School community students have a responsibility to respect the rights of others. Students have the right to work and learn in a safe, secure and clean environment, free from harassment and prejudice, and to be accepted as individuals. These rights inform our responsibilities. It is an expectation that the resulting behaviours demonstrate respect for the sacred, the School, self and family, others and the environment. These behaviours are based on the underlying values of justice, sincerity and freedom.
Central to the educational vision of Loreto schools is the care and development of faith. As a member of a Catholic community, each student has a responsibility to respect the beliefs, values and traditions of the Catholic Church.
Students must:
As a member of the Loreto community, each student has a responsibility to safeguard the ideals of the School and its good reputation.
Students must:
Each student has a responsibility to behave in a way that affirms her dignity as a human being. She must strive to accept responsibility for herself as a person of worth before God and others.
Students must:
While students are individuals, they are also members of a community. In order for each student to have the opportunity she deserves; mutual respect and consideration of others are necessary.
Students must:
The environment in which we live and work is precious.
Students must:
Where a student breaches the School's expectations, disregards School rules, disobeys instructions or otherwise engages in conduct which causes or may cause harm, inconvenience or embarrassment to the School, staff members or other students, or damage to their own reputation or the reputation of the School, staff members or other students, the student may be subject to disciplinary consequences.
The consequences imposed on students who have engaged in inappropriate behaviours will vary according to the seriousness of the behaviour, the prior record of the student, her level of remorse and the restorative action taken to make amends and repair the damaged relationships.
There are a range of consequences that students will face if they breach School rules or are disobedient. These include:
Consequences are outlined in the following documents:
This is not an exhaustive list, and other consequences may be appropriate depending on the circumstances of the case.
The School will make decisions around such consequences in its absolute discretion.
Where the level of misbehaviour breaches the Student School Rules and Consequences Procedure (Senior School Students) and Student School Rules and Consequence Procedure (Junior School Students), individual behaviour management plans may be made.
Plans will generally be developed in collaboration with School staff, students and parents, and will consider the student’s:
The desired behaviour of the student will be clearly described. The plan will generally outline changes required to the learning environment to support the student to modify their behaviour.
The School will refer the student to other support available and review, assess, change and modify the plan as needed.
Any decision regarding suspension or expulsion will be made by the Principal or her delegate.
Suspension is a temporary removal of a student from all of the classes that a student would normally attend at a school for a set period of time.
Expulsion is the permanent removal of a student from one particular school.
The School may also use a period of Principal's leave to allow the School a proper opportunity to investigate and consider a situation and manage any risks arising.
The disciplinary procedures adopted and consequences imposed by the School will vary according to the seriousness of the alleged behaviour and the School will determine on a case by case basis the appropriate steps to be taken.
The School's approach will be informed by principles of procedural fairness and restorative practice.
Where the alleged behaviour, if proved, may result in disciplinary suspension or expulsion, the student and parents will generally be informed of the allegations and procedural steps to be followed in dealing with the matter.
In the case of disciplinary suspension or expulsion, where the Principal has formed a preliminary view that the appropriate penalty is disciplinary suspension or expulsion, they will generally provide the student (and parent/s) with an opportunity to respond to their preliminary view and consider any response provided before making a final decision. The Principal's decision is not subject to any further review or appeal.
In the case of expulsion, it is the School’s policy to seek to support the student and parents in transitioning to new school where the student can experience a new start.
This policy is implemented through:
This Policy is not intended to extend responsibilities of the School beyond the law.
The School reserves the right to change or modify this policy at any time by notice on the School website and in correspondence to parents.
Date Approved | Version | Notes | Next Review Date |
02/05/2022 | 1 | Original | 2024 |
January 2025 | 2 | Combined document with Quality Relationships document, other general updates. | November 2026 |
Version: 2
Date: 15 January 2025