Special Events

in the Junior School

Show yourself at all times glad and joyful. Mary Ward


Every year our Junior School calendar is highlighted with a series of special events, which are prepared for and celebrated with gusto. Junior School Concert, May Day, Grandparents' Day, and our Year 6 Day of Excellence give the girls a chance to shine, and 'use their individual gifts with confidence, creativity and generosity'.

Junior School Concert

The annual Junior School Concert is a wonderful celebration of community. It is the culmination of months of auditions, rehearsals, scriptwriting, choreography, costume design and much planning and organising behind the scenes! Our students, staff, parents, family and friends all play their part in making the highly anticipated event a resounding success year after year.

Congratulations to every student in our wonderful Junior School – they were spectacular ... with their sparkling costumes, bright lights, powerful singing, strong dance moves and remarkable acrobatics. I am very proud of every girl in our school.

Ms Granturco, Music Teacher

May Day

A highlight in the school calendar, on our annual May Day the school community comes together for a felicity-filled day of faith and fundraising.

May Day, with its song-filled liturgy, flowers and procession, includes a customary procession, laying flowers in front of the Statue of Our Lady at school. The youngest student in the school places the crown of flowers on the statue of Mary, under the watchful eye of the Senior School Captain.

Afterwards, the Year 6 classes swing into action to welcome the rest of the school to visit their Year 6 market stalls. The variety of stalls on offer ranges from beauty products to slushies, lolly bags to raffles and even movie tents!

The program for the day is ably coordinated by our Year 6 leaders who work tirelessly behind the scenes in the preceding weeks to plan and organise stalls and activities and ensure each and every student has a May Day to remember.

What a day! Over the past weeks we have seen Year 6 shine as the true leaders of our school.

Mrs Walburn, Assistant Head of Junior School

All funds raised on the day are generously donated in support of Mary Ward International (MWIA), the Australian and international development organisation of the Loreto Sisters. Inspired by the founder of the Loreto Sisters, Mary Ward, MWIA is committed to working towards a just world where women share leadership, children thrive, and communities live in harmony with each other and the Earth.

Grandparents' Day

Students and staff alike relish the opportunity to welcome grandmothers, grandfathers and other special 'grandfriends' on campus to visit classrooms and experience first hand all that Loreto Kirribilli has to offer.

Year 6 Day of Excellence

The annual Year 6 Day of Excellence is an opportunity for Year 6 students to showcase and present a research project of their on a given theme.

In the year of 2020, Year 6 chose to focus on overcoming adversity to represent significant individuals. The theme for the 2020 Day of Excellence involved a deep and broad study of one person who has overcome adversity to be successful in their chosen field. This individual would have pioneered a new idea, innovated something new, introduced a school of thought, become an expert or leader in their field, for example a scientist, humanitarian, politician or doctor – an individual who has had a positive influence on our lives and the progress of humanity. The girls had to research and recreate themselves as their chosen personality. They produced a short one-minute film that was collated to share with parents online.

Dr Sanduk Ruit, also known as ‘the god of sight,’ or the ‘barefoot surgeon’, due to his famous barefoot operating style, has restored the life changing gift of sight to over 14,000 people all over Asia. Coming from humble beginnings, his achievements are absolutely incredible. He continues to inspire those who are underprivileged, so that they can, as he once said, 'from little things, big things grow'.

Luella, Year 6 student on her Day of Excellence project