Mary Ward Connect 2024

Mary Ward Connect 2024

The Mary Ward Connect program has continued to bridge the divides of state borders and connect Year 10 cohorts from across Loreto schools in Australia.

This year, we welcomed students from Loreto Marryatville and Loreto Coorparoo while two groups of Loreto Kirribilli students visited these schools in return.

Our guests participated in English, Mathematics, and Religion classes with their hosts and explored the local area on foot, by train and ferry. On the Wednesday, Year 10 students from across Loreto schools in Australia gathered to explore the meaning of what it is to be a Loreto student and be challenged by the legacy of Mother Gonzaga Barry ibvm and Mary Ward have left.

On the Thursday afternoon, students from Loreto Kirribilli and Loreto Normanhurst, along with their special guests, met at the sacred Mary Mackillop Place to hear from the Sisters about the connection between Mary Mackillop and Mother Gonzaga Barry. Following this, the group headed to the iconic Opera House via ferry.

Programs and opportunities like these promote and support the formation and continuation of fruitful friendships between students and staff. Our sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr Archard, the Year 10 Wellbeing Team, and the teachers and support staff who enabled and facilitated our activities.

'Leave after you something on which others may build.'
Mother Gonzaga Barry ibvm
