May Day continues a cherished tradition

May Day continues a cherished tradition

May Day continues to be a cherished Loreto Kirribilli tradition handed down by Mother Gonzaga Barry. Beginning with our K-12 Procession and Liturgy in honour of Mother Mary, this day is a highlight of our school year, as it embodies our rich traditions, supporting MWIA missions through raising awareness and funds, whilst also having lots of fun!

The month of May is Mary’s month in our Church, and our May Day celebrations are an opportunity to reflect upon the role of strong women in our lives. Each one of us can draw on the strength shown to us by Our Lady, Mary Ward and Mother Gonzaga Barry.

This year we were blessed that the rain held off and the sun peeped through as the Procession began, with every student in the school leaving a flower in front of the statue of Our Lady on the front drive.

Each Circle and K-6 class also brought beautiful bouquets of flowers to be placed on the altar during the Liturgy. Afterwards, students delivered these flowers to residents of James Milson Retirement Village and St Peter’s of the Green Lane Cove, as a gift symbolising our connection and commitment to the wider community.

The Liturgy in the Centenary Hall included the traditional crowning of Mary by the youngest student in Kindergarten, Grace, assisted by our School Captain, Emily. Another highlight was the Junior School students with their performance of Sisi ni Moja , ‘We are one’.

The sun came out shining just in time for exciting treats, games, singing, dancing and for our Senior students to purchase other lovely items from our May Day stalls.

Junior School celebrations continued with amazing stalls and raffles prepared by our Year 6 students. The excitement continued after lunch with a disco where the girls had so much fun.

The Senior School House Captains' songs in the afternoon concert were brilliantly written and performed and it was a delight to experience the performance of four of our ex-students and our own, very talented, Year 11 rock band, Sweet Baby Darlings. The roof was lifted with our students singing and dancing.

All proceeds from the May Day stalls go to Mary Ward International Australia (MWIA). MWIA is dedicated to supporting women and children to receive the education, skills and support they need to transform their lives and the world around them. Helping them reach their potential is one of the single best investments we can make to end poverty. We have the privilege and opportunity to make a difference in our world, and this year’s May Day saw our students, staff, parents, ex-students and ex-parents working in partnership to support the Loreto sisters in their many global and Australian projects.

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