Young Environment Leaders Making Strides

Young Environment Leaders Making Strides

At Loreto Kirribilli there are some student leaders who are making strides in an area they feel passionate about: environmental sustainability.

The school has launched an ambitious Environmental Sustainability Strategic Framework, with four key focus areas: Emission Reduction; Sustainable Consumption; Natural Abundance and Environmental Literacy. The Senior and Junior School Environment Leaders are playing an active role in making these become reality, and inspiring others to change.

In Year 6, the Environment leaders Eloise, Niamh, Phoebe, Raffaela, Olivia and Prudence are passionate about our environment and aware of the challenge to change people’s behaviour. As Eloise points out, “We only have one planet. There’s no Planet B,” and she is keen to change how people see and care for the world around them.

Niamh is keen to educate the students about recycling. “We need to teach the students what rubbish to put in what bins,” she says.  Phoebe is passionate about gardening, and her goal is to get compost bins functioning in the school.

Raffaela and Olivia are aware of the challenge to educate students to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote environmental sustainability, explaining, “We can all teach each other something about the environment and support each other in the process.” Prudence agrees, “We can learn from each other and work as a team.”

These students are “Taking action now!” as they pursue their environmental goals.

In the Senior School, Year 12 Environmental Councillors Lucy, Georgia and Lauren have an important role as the student representatives on the School Board’s Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee. “We have a goal of achieving Net-Zero by 2030, so we’re working to increase the number of solar panels on our site,” explains Lucy. “It’s rewarding to be part of Board Subcommittee and work alongside them to achieve our school goals.

Georgia continues, “We’ve been following the guidelines of our Environmental Sustainability Strategic Framework. Our work has been focused on the waste of the school, the carbon footprint, and we’ve launched a transport campaign, which involves encouraging Loreto students to use public transport.”

“It’s rewarding to see change happen at the school”, Lauren explains. “For example, we implemented the Keep Cup Challenge. A large number of students and staff have stopped using disposable coffee cups. So we’ve been able to see tangible evidence of change.”

Loreto Kirribilli Principal Mrs Anna Dickinson commends the dedication shown by these young student leaders. “These impressive students are taking up the challenge and playing an active role in meeting our commitments to this planet. They are inspiring others into action, and being informed agents of change.”
